Posts Tagged Celtic FC

Do you know the origins of the team they called ‘Carnival Celtic’?

In the late 1800’s there was a showman called George Green. He came up to Glasgow and bought a site on Vinegar Hill Street, just off the Gallowgate and he opened a fair there. He had his family, think he had five kids, his daughter was called

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Potential managerial candidates: Rodgers, Knutsen, Maresca and More

It is to be expected when a big job like Celtic becomes available that the list of potential managerial candidates will be lengthy.  Some names on the list will be more realistic than others, some will fall into the fantasy category, and others like Des Buckingham –

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Jeet Kune Do Master Tommy Carruthers with A Celtic State of Mind – What if the martial arts philosophy was instilled in footballers?

“Trying to achieve simplicity is the pinnacle of any sport, even football. To be so simple that you are able to just move enough not using a lot of energy; you’re so efficient when you move you make the other person tire out. Imagine that you are

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“It was brilliant, especially as a winger, being coached by Jimmy Johnstone and Davie Provan.” – David Elliot with A Celtic State of Mind

  “You’ve gone from the under 14s, 15s, 16s, then to the Celtic youth team at 17 and 18, we played in the youth league. By that time you’re coached by Davie Provan, Jimmy Johnstone and Bobby Murdoch! Bobby didn’t get involved in the games much but

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Kevin Graham with A Celtic State of Mind – Fergus McCann’s Homecoming

If you happened to be looking through the results of Celtic’s 1994/95 season, this 1-0 home defeat against Motherwell would hardly jump out as one of the most momentous results of modern-day Celtic. More likely it would appear to be yet another dismal defeat in a dismal

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