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Fans Against Criminalization has called a protest for this Satruday
Fans Against Criminalization has called a protest for this Satruday

While the Celtic Board considers its options, fan groups have decided its time for direct action. For many, the excessive use of force by Police Scotland at the recent derby was the last straw.

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Fans Against Criminalization Leads the Way

Whilst, the treatment meted out to the Green Brigade fans group was what stole all the headlines last week, the truth is this about far more than one, politically active group of Celtic fans.

Dozens of reports have been made in recent months, and complaints against Police Scotland for their conduct in dealing with football fans are submitted on an almost daily basis.

All Fans Affected

The actions of Police Scotland affect all fans, not just the politically active ones.

Hence, the Green Brigade are just one of a number of fan groups supporting Saturday’s Celtic Fans Protest, under the collective banner “Fans Against Criminalization.

Celtic Supporters Association Also on Board

Perhaps the best indication of the breadth of anger felt among fans towards Police Scotland was the decision of the Celtic Supporters Association to endorse the planned protest.

As one of the oldest Celtic fans’ groups out there, the CSA is usually a neutral party, and has, in the past, acted as a buffer between more militant fan groups, the club and the authorities.

However, last week was a step too far in their eyes too, and the CSA now stands firmly behind Fans Against Criminalization.

Celtic Trust and North American Supporters Lend Their Support

In announcing the protest, scheduled for 1.15 pm on Saturday, Fans Against Criminalization also confirmed the support of The Celtic Trust, a fan group that has long advocated for direct fan representation on the Celtic Board.

Additionally, while its probably impractical for most of their members to be there in person, The North American Celtic Supporters Federation also put its name to the call to action.

Celtic Fans Protest Takes the Fight to the Police (Figuratively Speaking)

So, the combined supporters groups call on as many Celtic fans as possible to gather outside London Road Police Station on Saturday at 1.15pm, where the protest will take place.

Thereafter, fans can make their way to Celtic Park for the game against Hearts which kicks off at 3pm.


Organizers anticipate a peaceful, but very vocal protest. And unless there’s a major attitude adjustment from Police Scotland, this is likely to be the first of many.

Fan Power Can Make a Difference

Ok, prior warning folks, I’m about to go into full “Celtic Da” mode here. It’s easy to say “oh, the police will just ignore it,” or “this just gives Police Scotland an excuse to crack down even more.”

Perhaps, but history has shown that if there’s any football fan collective out there with the power to force real change, it is Celtic.

If You Know Your History

I’m sure I don’t need to remind you all that it was fan pressure that saved our club from destruction at the hands of its incompetent custodians in 1994.

Fergus McCann may have been the one who ultimately ended up taking control, but he could not have done so had fans not compelled the old board to listen.

More recently, it was Celtic and indeed other fans who came together to kill the Offensive Behavior at Football Act in 2018, a document that may as well have been a get of jail free card for police overreach.  

Don’t Give Them Any Excuse

I won’t presume to lecture fellow Celtic fans on how to conduct themselves should they decide to attend Saturday’s protest. All I will say is, protect yourselves.

Stay together, make sure that any interactions you have with law enforcement are documented, if possible, filmed. Do not consent to being separated from your group. It is your right that any action police take against you be in front of witnesses.

Know your rights fully, and be prepared to defend them if police try to tell you otherwise.

There may well be acts of provocation from the police, though I hope they are smarter than that. Again, I would ask that you calmly document these, and do not descend to the level of any agitators.

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The Celtic Support is a Force for Good, I Know From Experience

One of the main reasons I love being a Celtic supporter is the way we look out for each other. Without going into details, the past 12 months have been possibly the most difficult of my life.

It is through the support, the care and the actions of fellow Celtic supporters that I am here now, in a much better place mentally and physically.

We can make a difference for the better, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. We need to stick together in times like this, and I know you’ll all play your part in looking after your fellow Celts, just as my friends and comrades looked after me when I needed them.

So, on Saturday let’s remind everyone why we are the best football club in the world, with a united front off the park, and hopefully, a good old breaking of Hearts on it.



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